Rolfing Structural Integration

Treatments provided at Brownstone Health and Fitness 
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

The family of Structural Integration Rolfing

Structural Integration, developed in he 1950s by Ida Rolf, is manual therapy based from Osteopathy that restores postural balance by releasing connective tissue adhesions. The slow, penetrating pressure of this style of bodywork takes advantage of the unique property of fascia to soften when steady pressure cause fascia to change its states. Current research suggests a combination of mechanical, biochemical, and neurological responses. Structural Integration therapists-sometimes known as Rolfers- are trained to perceive the holistic effects of each local intervention and to adapt the depth and pace of their touch to the client’s develop body awareness. Rolfing along side with movement education will realign and balance the body’s structure with the field of gravity that we live in. It’s truly a holistic process of structural change that’s meant to not only improve physical well-being, but also emotional well-being.



 Rolfing Structural Integration Ten-Series

The goal of Rolfing is to systematically balance and optimize both the structure (shape) and function (movement) of the entire body. Each session focuses on freeing restrictions or holdings trapped in a particular region of the body. While maintaining a holistic view of the client’s entire system during each session, thus ensuring the transformational process evolves in a comfortable and harmonious way.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can people come for just a few sessions? 
Yes, sessions can customized from one session to five sessions. These sessions are chosen based on the pattern the individual body holds.

What is a Rolfing uniform?
Your comfort is the most important thing; most clothing can be worked around. However, the Rolfing "uniform" usually consists of underwear. 

  • Women, please wear a bra and underwear you are comfortable in

  • Sports bras are not ideal, unless they have spaghetti straps

  • Some women prefer wearing a bathing suit

  • Shorts and tank top work but aren't preferred

  • Men, boxer briefs, or briefs are best, but running shorts also work great

You can be covered with a sheet or blanket during session if you wish, for you comfort.  It's a priority that you are comfortable, so please talk to Jenna if you have any concerns about what to wear to the Rolfing session.

Does it hurt?
This is a very common question and the answer differs from person to person. Some find sessions extremely relaxing while others may have moments of intense sensation, but it should never feel painful.  

Who would benefit from Rolfing?
I’ve worked with people aged 6 weeks to 80 years old, with those who are coping with significant challenges such as Parkinson’s, stroke recovery, or severe trauma from accidents and injury, as well as those who are in excellent health but are interested in Rolfing to enhance their athletic performance, to deepen their personal journey through bodywork, or to just plain improve their posture.

Can I claim this on my insurance?
Unfortunately, not in most cases (the bodywork world we are not considered a form of massage therapy but rather a form of Structural Integration) As such, we are not covered by nearly all insurance companies these days. 

On the bright side, any health care savings plan that you have set up can often be used for Rolfing or Manual Osteopathy. I can provide receipts for the deduction. 

*Check with your insurance plan in advance to see if Rolfing or Osteopathy could be submitted.


Cranial Sacral Therapy